Please join Your Hungry Coyote and an ever growing circle of people who follow the teachings of contemporary Native American theologians, scholars, native prophets, and traditional native religious leaders from the World’s Rim whom are seeking a balanced life while working towards healing our Earth Mother and her community, joined under the following philosophy:
“Heal yourself – you help to heal the family, the family helps to heal the community, the community helps to heal the nation, the nations help to heal the world.”
We are a temporary network of all races drawn together by the vision and legacy of Sun Bear and Your Hungry Coyote, both as a spiritual counselor and Native American teacher. Our work was to form counselors responsible for sharing with others those lessons of earth harmony and responsibility. We are not bounded by geography or ethnicity, but rather by belief and action, learning better ways of serving the sacred web of life. We are in-progress, composed of people who are honoring the Native tradition from which Your Hungry Coyote, Red Dawn, Ataloa, Sun Bear, and Winona LaDuke came to understand.
Our cross-cultural teachings are based on many sources of Earth Wisdom and what it’s members are learning: Earth awareness, the philosophies of worldwide earth cultures as they relate to contemporary society, personal vision, responsibility, self-reliance, self-generated ceremony, working with and for the earth, and finding ways to preserve and protect the environment for this, and future generations. We strive to achieve this through sharing our knowledge thru camps, programs, books, and the internet.
Thank You,
Michael Wayne Marousek
“Your Hungry Coyote”