Monthly Archives: February 2019


A French “missionary” stopping at an eastern Canadian Indian village was surprised to see a group of strangers approaching, the leader bearing a large beautiful pipe with a great stem decorated with duck heads and eagle feathers.  His Indian friends … Continue reading

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Native American Spirituality

*No founder; tradition has evolved over centuries, passed down by storytelling ’More than 2 million people in 300-500 different American Indian tribal groups, each with its own culture and responses to specific situations. Beliefs •      Creator – some tribes use … Continue reading

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Native American Culture

Preferred Term: Tribal Name Cultural and Family Structure Demographics • 1.37% of the total US population Symbols • Feathers, depicted in many, many ways, are symbols of prayers, marks of honor or sources of ideas Clothing or Amulets •      Do … Continue reading

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Code of Doctrine

1. We believe that there is but one race of man. The human race, who is related to all other living things. 2. We believe that all human beings should strive for universal peace, avoiding man’s inhumanity to man. 3. … Continue reading

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Statements of Faith

The members of International Aboriginal Ministries, affirm our faith that: 1. There is but one “Creator.” – We believe in one universal spirit, divine and important; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; maker of all things.  Although our Creator is … Continue reading

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From the Encyclopedia of Native American Religion

DLA’UPAC. (fl. c. 1800s). Walula. An early prophet in the Columbia Plateau region who lived near pre­sent-day Pasco, Washington.  The prophet was be­lieved to have lived before the later prophet smohalla, perhaps in the early 1800s. Dla’upac was said to … Continue reading

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