Historical Documents – Indian Center Inc.

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Indians Furious Over Planned Road into Forest

San Jose Mercury News ■ Sunday, July 11, 1982

Indians Furious Over Planned Road into Forest

“You can destroy a people just as effec­tively by mentally committing genocide as you can physically. If you destroy a people’s religious dignity, worth and purpose, you destroy them.’ –  Jack Norton, Hupa Indian

By Thomas Murphy
The Associated Press

EUREKA — Virgin timber tow­ers above the headwaters of Blue Creek, providing refuge for the golden eagle, the spotted owl and the wolverine.

Pepperwood and incense cedars rise beside Oregon myrtle, madrone, vine maple and Pacific dog­wood. Salmon and brook trout thrive in the pristine water.

It is not surprising that four In­dian tribes — the Hurok, Hupa, Tolowa and Karok — have prized the high country northeast of here for centuries, reserving it as a sacred place for training medicine men.

Nor is it surprising that lumber companies have long sought a way into this rugged area of Northern California so they could haul its rare timbers to mills along the coast.

The Forest Service says the area could be used for both purposes. Later this summer, it will con­struct the final six-mile leg of the 55-mile Gasquet-Orleans Road, a project it claims will achieve that end.

But Indian leaders decry the project, known as the GO Road, as “cultural genocide.”

“Instead of killing us off, they’re said Walt Lara, a Hurok Indian and logger whose family members worship in the high country.

Jack Norton, a Hupa who teaches ethnic studies at nearby Humboldt State University, agrees.

“You can destroy a people just as effectively by mentally commit­ting genocide as you can physical­ly,” Norton said. “If you destroy a people’s religious dignity, worth and purpose, you destroy them.”

Medicine men, called shamans, have been the traditional leaders of the tribes, which do not have chiefs.

The strongest incentive for building the road through Hum­boldt and Del Norte counties is the jobs it will provide. The unemploy­ment rate hit 18 percent in Hum­boldt County this spring. It passed 28 percent in Del Norte County.

The Forest Service predicts the road will create 203 jobs. Del Nor­te County residents, in a June 1980 referendum, voted 4-to-l in favor of completing the road.

Right now. Forest Service offi­cials say the Indians are the only ones benefiting from the Blue Creek region.

“We’re directed by Congress to manage this thing for multiple use and benefits for all people,” said

Richard Ferneau, environmental coordinator for the Six Rivers Na­tional Forest.

To establish “multiple use/’ the Forest Service has approved a master plan for “the Blue Creek unit” The road will open up the country. The plan will tell which areas can be clear-cut and which must be preserved.

Ferneau said the Indian “power sites” — sacred areas with names like Doctor Rock and Medicine Mountain — will be protected by half-mile buffer zones.

The Indians say buffer zones won’t do the job. To them “the whole country is sacred,” Norton said. For centuries, Indians seeking spiritual enlightenment have hiked through the wilderness as part of their rite.

“That’s why all the other coun­try is just as important as when you get there,” said Lara.

“That’s what the Forest Service and every­body else doesn’t understand. They want to set aside a specific spot, but that’s no good.

However, some of the govern­ment’s own experts are against the road. In separate reports, both written under government con­tract, anthropologists Dorothy Theodoratus and William Bright each have noted that the highway could interfere with Indian prac­tices.

“I believe that the inviolate character of the Chimney Rock ar­ea is of great religious significance to a growing number of Indians, and that road building and logging in that area would violate, without any compelling reason, the reli­gious rights of those Indians,” Bright wrote.

Alexander Aldrich, chairman of the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, has called the road “a case study of inept agency planning and decision-mak­ing that has created an unneces­sary conflict between economic de­velopment and preservation.”

Forest Service officials shrug off such comments, saying the govern­ment is required to consult groups like the council. “We don’t have to follow their recommendations,” re­creation staff officer John Holt said.

Even if the road is built, and even if the trees are cut and hauled to the mill, the mills may have no desire to saw them. California’s construction industry is in such a severe recession that there is little demand for the lumber the Forest Service wants to sell.

The Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund already has filed suit to stop the Blue Creek management plan from taking effect. With help from the Northcoast Environmental Center, it hopes to expand that suit to include the GO Road.

“After working all those years with Smokey the Bear, the Forest Service has a high degree of credi­bility,” center spokesman Tim McKay said. “But they’ve pretty much reversed that in this situa­tion.”

McKay said that besides affect­ing the Indian sites, the plans for Blue Creek will min fisheries, pol­lute the creek with runoff, cause landslides on the steep hillsides and drive wildlife out of the area — all contentions that the Forest Service emphatically denies.

And the only people who would use the road for recreational pur­poses, McKay said, are people “who think its aesthetically pleas­ing to look at clear cuts.”


Hurok is a mis-spelling of Yurok.

Completion of the road, which is located mostly in Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties would divert timber jobs from Humboldt and Siskiyou Counties according to the Forest Service Environmental Statement prepared for the project. New timber jobs would not be created only redistributed.

For more information write:
The Siskiyou Mountains Resources Council
P.0. Box 4376 Arcata, Ca. 95521

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INDIAN CENTER INC. (1960-1970)



1965 1 JOE VASQUEZ     JAN 1968
1965 2 FRED GABOUREE     JAN 1968
1965 3 JOE WHITE CLOUD     JAN 1968
1965 4 P.E. ROBERTS     JAN 1968
1965 5 BOB WHITE     JAN 1968
1966 1 SAM KOLO     JAN 1969
1966 2 NEAL RUSSEL     JAN 1969
1966 3 JOHN KING     JAN 1969
1966 4 GENE STUENGAMO     JAN 1969
1966 5 ALUIR DEER     JAN 1969
1967 1 OLIVER FRANK     JAN 1970
1967 3 ERNEST PETERS     JAN 1970
1967 4 NOEL CAMPBELL     JAN 1970
1967 5 RICHARD LITTLE     JAN 1970
1968 1 JOE VASQUEZ     JAN 1971
1968 2 JIM WHITE CLOUD     JAN 1971
1968 3 IRON EYES CODY     JAN 1971
1968 4 ARTHUR CRUZ     JAN 1971
1968 5 JOAN FREEMAN     JAN 1971
1969 2 MARY BITNER     JAN 1972
1969 3 MARY BOLUES     JAN 1972
1969 4 JIM OLGUIN     JAN 1972
1970 1 JOE WHITE CLOUD     JAN 1973
1970 2 TIM WAPPOTO     JAN 1973
1970 3       JAN 1973
1970 4       JAN 1973
1970 5       JAN 1973
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American Indian Studies

101. American Indian History: Post 1871 (3) F, S Faculty

A survey of the histories and cultures of American Indian people in North America from 1871 to the present. Not open to students with credit in American Indian Studies 131.

070. Language Skills (3) F, S Faculty

Not open to students with credit in Language Skills 170A. Focuses on intensive development of grammatical skills and expository writing. Primarily for American Indian Students. Credit/no credit only. Counts as part of student’s course load tout does not carry graduation credit.

170. Language Skills (3) F, S Faculty

Not open to students with credit in Language Skills 170. Perquisite: successful completion of AIS 070. Focuses on organizational methods and techniques for writing com­positional and expository prose, advanced grammar and some critical reading techniques for term papers. Primarily for American Indian students.

200. Contemporary Issues in American Indian Studies (3) F, S Faculty

Current Issues: the relevance of treaties, self-determination and sovereignty, assimilation and traditionalism, conflicts with local governments and corporate interests, the development of economic resources (coal, uranium, oil, gas, timber, water), the roles of women, traditional philosophy, political movements, and additional topics of interest to the class.

207. Fieldwork in American Indian Studies (3) F, S Clark

Prerequisites: Lower division standing, consent of in­structor. Supervised experiences relevant to specific aspects of the American Indian community in off-campus settings. Regular meetings with faculty supervisor and written reports required. Must be taken Credit/No Credit,


*303. California Indian History (3) F, 1985 and every third year Clark

Histories and cultures of the American Indian people in California, emphasizing Spanish and American influences. (Lecture-discussion 3hours.)

*304. Southwest Indian History (3) F, 1984and every third year Clark

Histories and cultures of the American Indian people in the Southwest; a major focus on Spanish and American colonization.-(Lecture-discussion 3hours.)

*305. Plains Indian History (3) F, 1983 and every third year Clark

Histories and cultures of the American Indian people in the Plains, with an emphasis on their relationships with the United States government. Not open to students with credit in American Indian Studies 331.

*310. American Indian Community Development (3) S Clark

Overview of the economic structure of Indian reservations and Indian urban communities, describing in detail the economic base and development of resources. Attention will be given to the historical interplay of Indian resources and non Indian resources and the possible future of this interplay, especially in the light of Indian demands for sovereignty.

*320. American Indian Art (3) F, S Faculty.

A survey of North American Indian and Alaskan native arts ranging from pre-Columbian through current personal and production-for-sale arts. Designed to expose the student to the wide range of American Indian materials, use, styles, regional characteristics and color use employed in the arts, including and beyond those in current popularity. Not open to students with credit in American Indian Studies. 132.

*335. American Indian Philosophies (3) S Faculty

A study of the philosophical traditions of the American Indian, with (emphasis on systems of knowledge, explanations of natural phenomena, and relation of the American Indian to nature through ritual and ceremonial observances.

*339. American Indian Psychology (3) F, 1983 and alternate years Faculty

Indian behavior will be studied at the level of the individual person, rather than at the more commonly used level of general culture. Areas to be covered include self-concept, Indian reactions to prejudice special problems in adjustment that have led to drug and alcohol abuse, personality and con­temporary life styles, and issues in education.

*340. American Indian Literature (3) F Clark

An analysis of the written and oral literary traditions developed by American Indians. Not open to students with, credit in American Indian Studies 333.

*345. The American Indian and the Mass Media (3) F, 1984 and alternate years Faculty

An analysis of the role and image of the American Indian in. media especially as concerns the television and film in­dustries. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)

*361. American Indian Education (3) S Faculty

A study of the historical developments of American Indian education and proposed solutions to selected problems of education in the various types of schools. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)

*370. American Indian Women (3) S, 1985 and alternate years Faculty

Overview of the role of women in traditional Indian societies and in the modern world. Changes in Indian society’s occasioned by contact with Europeans and how these changes have altered sexual role definitions will be examined. (Lecture-Discussion 3 hours.)

*380. Law and the American Indian (3) S, 1985 and alternate years Faculty

The concept of tribal sovereignty, involving the relationship of tribal governments, will be examined through the historical development of the case law. The powers of tribal govern­ments will be studied, including problems of jurisdiction, taxing and civil rights. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)

*383. Healing and Health: American Indian Concepts and Practices (3) S, 1984 and alternate years Faculty

Analysis of American Indian healing techniques and their relation to traditional Western Civilization and its practices of healing and health theory. Necessary l 3rweaving of thoughts and practices as new programs are fostered and ex­perimented with by the American India, Public Health Service and other health organizations.

*385. American Indian Leaders (3) F, 1S and alternate years Faculty

Overview of the diverse philosophies of the leaders of various Indian nations, the political, sociological and religious aspects of their lives and the conditions that cause them to rise to power. Attention will be given to the impact of Indian- White relations. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours.)

*420. American Indian Studio Art (3) F, 1984 and alternate years Faculty

Selected arts and crafts. Designed lor student practice in North American Indian arts. Manual demonstration and in­struction in some of the widely practiced Indian art ex­pressions and film instruction in some of the lesser known arts. (Lecture- activity 6 hours.)

*490. Special Topics in American Indian Studies (1-3) F,S Faculty
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topics of current in­terest in Native Indian Studies selected for intensive


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Thoughts of Your Hungry Coyote

One of the projects I’m working on is finding choral music that teaches the lessons of the traditional religious leaders to use at Camps or Schools.  Hal Leonard Corporation.

I find a song on every subject of learning.  To sing is one of the lessons of the traditional religious leaders.  Songs also help to set your mind to the things we need to do in life.

Another project I call Recommended Reading.  I look for good books on Native American religion and philosophy and read them. ‘Going Native’ celebrates a festival of life on earth.  I am giving you this information so that you can send your kids or yourself on the path of power to heal this earth.

I call it the Native Orthodox path.  I use the term ‘Go Native’ as to make your path on earth and to harmonize yourself with your surroundings.  It’s important to learn about and be sensitive to the local traditions of each place on earth that you visit.  When you’re hiking in the mountains on trails made by our ancestors, sometimes you look at firebreaks and think that is an easier path.

Keeps this in mind while I give you this information.  Ask permission and give thanks before you start your journey, and say a prayer with the earth, and all her communities, and to all my relations.

Learn music to play in this human plan, to sing words are powerful.  With the song it gives more power to set the mind.  Music feeds the soul.  Learn to dance the dances of your culture, or community.

Create and make something.  Learn art so that you can see with the mind of an artist.  Appreciate God’s creation and mother Earth so you can start the healing for the earth and all her communities.  Become a rainbow warrior.  Teach yourself and your kids the martial arts of peace.  Aikido and Tai Chi are examples.  I say learn to dance.

Take yourself and your kids to camp once, twice a week, or each year to be with nature. You can volunteer or work at a camp.  Volunteer work in your community at least one weekend a month.

Plant something.  Grow corn or sun flowers.  Feed the world.  Plant avocados, stop throwing the seeds away and grow them.

Give up using foam cups once a day, once a week, once a year, and for life.  “If you are using sterol foam cups, then you’re not getting the message,” Sun Bear used to say.  These are some of the teachings of the traditional religious leaders from the World’s Rim.

At camp most Native orthodox ceremonies start with a call to the campfire, a song.  All while lighting the fire.  Prayers with the sacred pipe, flag songs, introductions, a camp fire story, more songs, and a skit.

That is the pattern for the campfire ceremonies meetings of Your Hungry Coyote.  ‘Your’ is for the camper, ‘Hungry’ is for the hunger of knowledge and food, ‘Coyote’ is for the singing.  This was the name given to me at camp by “Ataloa” McClendon (Chickasaw).

We use tobacco as an offering at all ceremonies.  You can put a pinch on the ground or blow it off your hands, but when you light it you need to say a prayer.  You’re supposed to be addicted to prayer, not tobacco.

The Calumet sacred pipe are dedicated to peace, friendship, and love of humanity.  That’s why we pray with them at camp.  In the city we use the Abalone shell to bless the events when we cannot use the sacred pipe.  For conversations we use the pipe stem as a talking stick and put it away until we can use it with the sacred Pipestone and then the words are blessed.

This is also a teaching of the traditional religious leaders from the world’s rim.  We recommend Earth Prayers and Life Prayers by Elizabeth Roberts.

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A French “missionary” stopping at an eastern Canadian Indian village was surprised to see a group of strangers approaching, the leader bearing a large beautiful pipe with a great stem decorated with duck heads and eagle feathers.  His Indian friends were awed, as well they might be at this beautiful symbol, but above all by the stately serious mien of the visitors and their attitude of rever­ence for it—all indicating that here was something new and important.  The good father recognized its aesthetic appeal and sensed the enthusiasm with which his flock, welcomed this new ceremony.  But naturally he feared it as a pagan rival.  The French called these grand pipes calumets: they were first observed among the Indians of the Upper Mississippi country.  What the good father did not understand was that these strange Indians were Missionaries also, believing in the power of the grand pipe and its ritual to make their world a better place to live in.  No one but an Indian could have grasped the full meaning of the message the bearer of the calumet brought to the good father’s village.  Nor do we of this generation and time understand it either.  Yet something seems definite: one of the underlying ideas seems to have been the bond of brotherhood.  The bearers of such a pipe, representing their tribe, presented more than a pledge, approached in the true spirit of a friend, even as a brother, and expected that they be met in the same spirit.  The belief in the purity and grandeur of this new relation among men gave faith that the grand pipe would of itself soften the hearts of all who came into its presence and thus unite them in friendship.  Even the most ignorant Indian could understand this more practical quality.

In other words, the grand pipe was not only a symbol of peace and brotherly love but a charm to compel it, the symbol, of a fine idea.  Thus it came about naturally that in time the calumet was called a pipe of peace.  Approaching strangers, a calumet would be displayed not merely as a sign of friendship, not simply as a flag of-truce, but something which in itself had power to acceptance.

Perhaps the peace pipe is one of the first things that come into the popular mind when Indians are mentioned.  Certain it is that the ordinary pipe and tobacco in any form have long been associated with the popular picture of an Indian.  Not so many years ago every cigar store in the land was heralded by a wooden Indian holding some cigars in his left hand and threatening the passer-by with tomahawk upraised in his right.  Too bad most of these large wooden carvings were discarded and split up into firewood.  Even their history’ is obscure, except as revealed in a few private collections.  It all began in England, as far back as 1600, when small wooden Indians began to appear as counter signs where tobacco was sold.  Later, large carvings stood in front of tobacco shops and early in 1700 were seen in the colonies.  We are told that once a tobacco shop in the nation’s capital exhibited a life-sized carving so realistic and so threatening that good citizens, were frightened.  First the chagrined shopkeeper took the ‘Tomahawk out of the Indian’s hand, but this did not help matters much, so he reluctantly sacrificed the whole figure.

In wooden-Indian days there was no excuse for forgetting the source of tobacco and all that went with it, but now, in the days of machine-made cigarettes, we need to be reminded that all the world learned the use of tobacco from the Indian.  The first time Columbus set foot upon the American shore Indians made him a good-will offering of tobacco leaves, and later he saw some of them smoking cigars.  But, for the moment, we are interested in the coming of the, pipe to the Indians of the United States.

The picturesque calumet may have been a recent development in 1492, but the archaeologists can show us great pipe bowls of much earlier date, especially from the Ohio Valley and some of our southern states.  Doubtless, what the good father saw in Canada long before happened over and over—a group of strangers carrying a grand pipe of some kind as a symbol of some fine new idea.  However, all has perished except these stone bowls.  That the same ideas were associated with these ancient pipes as with the calumet is unlikely,-but we can be reasonably certain that they were equally serious.  The elbow’ pipe seems to appear in the eastern United States after the potters and the com raisers flourished there.  So, following com, the pipe is the next most spectacular phase of Indian culture; again, it is the most unique and widespread contribution of the Indian to the world; everywhere, in every country, smokers are today paying silent and unconscious tribute to these ancient aboriginals.

There is a great deal in historical documents about the calumet sacred pipes and the offerings of smoke to the gods above and below, which may be summarized by saying that tobacco was a sacred plant, the burning of which found favor in their eyes, and that even the offering of a few leaves or a filled pipe to a guest carried with it the idea of friendship sanctioned by more than human rower.  Here and there we find it recorded that even a member of an enemy tribe, entering a house and smoking with the host, was thereby guaranteed protection and safe – conduct upon his return.  This of itself testifies to the high place tobacco held among the Indians of eastern North America.

There is reason to believe that the pipe was invented in’ the eastern United States.  No pipes were found in the strata of Kentucky caves belonging to the first gardeners, nor was there evidence of tobacco until well near the top layer.  After maize appears, pipes and tobacco are common.  Again, though tobacco in some form was used over most of aboriginal North and South America, elbow pipes were restricted to the eastern and central United States, with scattering examples in outlying areas.  Apparently older than the elbow pipe, and far more widely spread was the smoking tube.  Such tubes, usually of stone, are found in all parts of the United States, in Mexico and to the south.  Cane tubes were employed south of the United States, and in Mexico cigarettes for tobacco rolled in corn husk.  As we have said, cigars were used in the West Indies and in South America.

Inspiring as all this is.  Our interest turns back to the grand pipe, the calumet, which is no more.  Its glory and romance belong to history.  No one knows just where this interesting, intriguing notion of the calumet started.  The Pawnee have traditions that they passed it on to the north, but some of the Siouan tribes think it was given them in a vision and so came directly from above.  Such traditions and beliefs do not help us much because we feel sure that the originator of the idea, to whom it must have come as an inspiration, possibly in a burst of emotion, explained it as something handed down to him and when another tribe learned to venerate it, they, too, said it was handed down, soon forgetting that they had borrowed the idea.  Nor have we reason to believe that the part of human nature which comes into the world with the nerves and brain of the infant was much different in the Stone Age from what it is now.  So a tribesman who went to live and learn for a time among the originators of the calumet and returned a thorough convert might be expected to en­hance his own prestige by claiming that he was the one to have the vision, to have met the gods and received from them directly this new idea and the ritual in which it is formulated.  Even were he modest and unusually honest, his understudies might quite naturally attribute its origin to him.  So we cannot take such traditions literally. Our own history tells us that when the French explorers went into the Mississippi country they were received cere­monially, the most conspicuous feature being the so-called “dance of the calumet” which involved the presentation of such a pipe to them.  When a calumet was formally thus given to a Frenchman he became as one of its devotees, between whom and himself there were bonds of friend­ship.  All were thereby made brothers. When he met strange Indians he needed only to show the calumet as evidence that he was a devotee; if members of that tribe had venerated the calumet they, too, were friends, bound by ties and obligations of friendship.  This, at least, is what the writings of travelers convey to us.

Columbus was not met with a calumet, nor do any of the Europeans landing and settling upon the Atlantic coast mention it.  For example, when Henry Hudson met Indians around Manhattan Island, they came with fresh green tobacco leaves in their hands.  Something of the same notion, but less formalized, must have been associated with these tobacco leaves as with the calumet.  Certainly tobacco itself was the symbol of something other than mere fear or hostility.  The eastern Indians of Canada seem not to have known of the calumet when they first met the French, but we soon read that strange Indians appeared from the west bearing calumets which, with appropriate ceremonies, were presented to their hosts who, in turn, began to venerate them.  They seem to have joined this fraternity, or whatever you choose to call it, which is still something of a mystery to the white man. What we really know about the inner cluster of ideas behind it all is found in a ceremony which survived until recent years among the Pawnee and a few of the Siouan tribes.  Here, at this late day, after the enthusiasm and zeal of the converts to this new ceremony had run their courses, it seems to function in a different way though still as a bond of friendship between individuals.  A symbolic pipe stem is now used, not perforated so it can be used with a pipe bowl, and decorated with feathers and tufts of horse hair. Further, a pair of these stems are used, one in each hand. There is nothing unusual in this use of a symbol for what was once a real pipe, since we use many symbolic objects in similar ways, such as the key to a city or a cross.  Most large museums have on exhibition of these symbolic pipe stems.

Farther north, among some of the Cree and the Black- foot, a more realistic ceremonial pipe is still venerated.  The white people call it a medicine pipe.  These pipe stems are kept in bundles, formerly of nicely tanned “skins but now of fine cloth, with a number of ceremonial objects to serve as accessories in the demonstration of the ritual associated with the pipe.  Curiously enough, a pipe bowl is rarely found in the bundle, but when it is to be unwrapped a stone pipe bowl of suitable size is brought in for the occasion.  This pipe is really smoked at the appropriate point in the ritual.  Nevertheless, it is the stem that is symbolic and in that sense sacred.  These stems are of wood, usually thirty or more inches long, decorated with – a fan of eagle-feathers, heads of ‘water birds and & sometimes a tuft of horsehair.  These pipes are used neither in councils, feasts, nor in making peace; an ordinary large decorated pipe is considered sufficient for such occasions.

Again, the power symbolized in these medicine pipes is believed to guard the welfare of the people, particularly its keeper, his household and everyone who prays to it.  In the few rituals concerning which we have in­formation, the basic idea seems to be that the Thunder gave these pipes as a pledge that he would spare and otherwise protect those associated with them.  In 1809 Alexander Henry obtained the following statement from a Blackfoot Indian:

Thunder is a man who was very wicked and troublesome to the Indians, killing men and beasts in great numbers.  But many years ago he made peace with the Blackfeet and gave, them a pipe stem in token of his friendship; since which period he has been harmless.  This stem then still possess and it is taken great care of by one of their chiefs, called Three Bulls.  Lightning is produced by the same man that makes thunder when he visits the earth in person and is angry; but they know not what causes his wrath.”1

Another account recorded about a century later among the Dakota Indians states that two symbolic pipe stems are used, often spoken of as “horsetails” because they bear tufts of horsehair, but otherwise remind one of the calumet stem.  The related ceremony is called Hunka and seems to mean a bond of friendship and brotherhood between two persons.  However, all who have entered into such bonds have obligations to each other.  In the course of the ritual accompanying these decorated stems, the leader says:

“My friends, this man has done as a Hunka should do.  He has given of all that he had.  He took the food from his mouth and divided it with me.  He gave me his moccasins, his shirt and his leggings, and now he is naked and has nothing.  I will put the red stripe on his face, for he is Hunka.  I put this stripe on his face so that the people may see it and know that he has given all his possessions away, and know that they should give to him.  I will put the stripe on his face and on the face of his Hunka so that they will remember this day, and when they see one in want they will give to that one.”2

We have done nothing with tobacco that the Indian did not do.  There are good reasons for believing that the use of tobacco originated in the West Indies or in South America and spread thence into the United States.  Many species of wild tobacco grow here and in Canada, some of which were used by the Indians of later times, but the best tobaccos came from the West Indies and South America.  The presence of wild tobacco in the United States means that the invention of smoking could have occurred before agriculture was known.  So we cannot be sure as to the first smokers, but everything points to the elbow pipe, or the true pipe, as originating in the time of the corn farmers.

We are all interested in the origin of things.  As children, we were always asking “why?” and as grownups we have merely changed the direction of the question.  The “why?” of tobacco would be answered if we knew how its use began?  So now, how?  Here again we must guess, but there are some suggestions as to where the answer lies.

By this time we should be sufficiently warned not to expect so complicated a matter as the use of tobacco to come into existence full blown.  Like other customs of its kind, it must have grown from very small beginnings.  As we look about over the customs of the several tribes, we note how widespread is the burning of Incense as a purifying medium or as an acceptable offering to the unseen.  It is natural to suspect that tobacco was once used in this way.  Some of our eastern Indian tribes did not smoke a pipe in a sacred ceremony but burned the tobacco in a little fire, the acceptable smoke offering ascending to the powers to whom they prayed.  Even as far west as the Missouri, historic Indians sometimes offered tobacco in this way.  This really explains nothing; it merely suggests what seems probable.  We suppose somehow and sometime, among a people making smoke offerings of tobacco, inhal­ing the smoke was looked upon with favor, but whether the simple rolling of a cigar or even a cigarette was the first step, we have no way of knowing.  What does seem a good surmise is that the invention of the elbow pipe occurred long after the use of tobacco was widespread?  There are geographical reasons for assuming that the tube preceded the invention of the true pipe.

The picture that unfolds, then, is that smoking took on new patterns or styles when the com farmers adopted the elbow pipe.  Smoking a pipe became more and more the symbol of hospitality.  Offering a guest a smoke is thus an ancient custom, probably as old as the domestication of com.  Yet the social use of the pipe did not necessarily lessen the place of tobacco smoke and its aroma in serious ceremonies; if anything, it enhanced tire symbolic quality of the pipe.  And so evolved the ceremonial pipe and, eventually, the grand pipe or the calumet.  Many of the old writers testified to the beauty and impressiveness of the calumet-ceremony.  At the opening of the present cen­tury, the writer saw some fine pipes and the accompanying ceremonies.  They were impressive, perhaps more so than any of the other surviving ceremonies.  Today, when some of our western Indians entertain a distinguished person or a President of the United States, they usually present him with a new pipe, large in size, with a bowl of red stone, a stem of wood and decorated with a wild duck’s head, some dyed horsehair and wrapped with porcupine-quill braid.  The newspapers call such a pipe “the pipe of peace,” but it has no such significance.  It is a modern gift pipe, a symbol of friendship and esteem.

Tobacco spread over the world so fast that a great deal of research needed to prove that it was not known in the Old World before 1492.  Within little more than a century it encircled the globe.  Thus the historians of tobacco say it reached Portugal and Spain by 1558; France, 1559; Italy, 1561; England, 1565; Turkey, 1605; Russia, by 1634; Arabia, 1663.  The Spaniards carried it to the Philippines, where it was soon grown and shipped to China; from China, tobacco smoking passed into Siberia, later into Alaska to the Eskimo, thus completing the circuit of the world, from southeastern America back again to northwestern America.

Apparently then, as now, whatever his race, the person who used it once became an enthu­siastic devotee.  An old English writer comments upon how the passion became so strong that men and women were willing to trade their last morsel of food for tobacco; whether smoked, chewed or snuffed, the desire is the same.  In a short time after its introduction into England there were said to be seven thousand tobacco shops in London, dispensing over three hundred thousand pounds a year.  Sailors, being human, quickly acquired the habit and so spread it to all parts of the world; but the trader, also, found it easy to transport tobacco and sell it at a handsome profit.  In a short time even the Australian blacks, the Hottentots and the Andaman Islanders were trading what little they could produce for pipes and smok­ing tobacco.  Even in parts of Canada and the United States, where tobacco was rarely used, the fur traders offered the Indian large chunks of it in compressed form, which they recognized as superior to their own.  Many tribes in the eastern United States continued to raise their own tobacco for ceremonial occasions, but for regular smoking tobacco they came to depend upon the traders. Of course such tobacco was expensive and often hard to get, which led to adulteration and to substitutes. Some of these seem to have been pre-Columbian.

In the United States bearberry or sumac leaves were dried and mixed with tobacco, to which mixture the Algonquin name kinnikinnick, meaning “that which is mixed,” is usually given.  This name is now generally used, covering all mixtures and substitutes, such as leaves of laurel, manzanita, squaw bush or maple bush, and the inner bark of red willow, dogwood, cherry-, arrow-wood, poplar or birch.  A much longer list could be compiled, suggesting that when to­bacco was not available or was too expensive, the Indians experimented with the plants available in their respective habitats.  Perhaps tobacco was not the first plant smoked.

None is so unique and so original as the smoking of tobacco.  The scientifically minded speak of the whole range of habits, customs and fancies associated with to­bacco as a culture complex; indeed, we find ourselves in a maze of complexity when we try to state all the essential points about tobacco.  It developed in Indian society and, step by step, became a great complex before the white man crossed the Atlantic Ocean.  Scores of beautifully carved stone pipes have been found in Ohio mounds, revealing that certain cults of the pipe were in flower’ when mound building was the vogue.  Much fine pottery is found in the Lower Mississippi Valley, and this also seems to have been the work of the tobacco users.



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Native American Spirituality

*No founder; tradition has evolved over centuries, passed down by storytelling

’More than 2 million people in 300-500 different American Indian tribal groups, each with its own culture and responses to specific situations.

Beliefs •      Creator – some tribes use “God” and “Creator” interchangeably

•      Fundamental interconnectedness of all natural things, all forms of life, with the land, or Mother Earth, are of primary importance

•      Basic sense of community or group/tribe

Daily practices •      Prayers, may include using sacred objects, usually private and without strangers present
Dying and death •      Beliefs and practices vary widely from tribe to tribe

•      Body is sometimes prepared for bu^al by family or tribe members

•      After person dies, some tribes will not touch deceased person’s clothes or belongings



•       Provide time, space, privacy and include tribal spiritual leader

•      Do not pretend to be familiar with traditions and do not interfere with them

Food •      After ceremony or prayer, foods consumed will likely be provided by family
Health •      Health care practices intertwined with religious and cultural beliefs

•      May believe that III health results from not living in harmony or being out of balance with nature and social and supernatural environments

Holy days and festivals •      Closely related to seasonal changes, the moon, provision of food and other life essentials
Pregnancy and birth •      Pregnant women included in religious ceremonies until delivery
Rituals/ceremonies •       Performed with intent of seeing, understanding, or obtaining a vision of clarity of oneself and individual issues in order to relate to oneself and others

•       Prayer accompanied by burning of sacred plants, i.e. sweet grass, sage, cedar or tobacco



•       No written scriptures; ceremonies and beliefs learned by word of mouth and experience

•      Sacred and should not be touched without permission, especially by stranger

•      Medicine bag: leather pouch usually worn around neck. Do not open or question.

•       Religious articles carried by elders must not be touched by anyone other than the elder; if inspection is required, an elder should be invited to provide inspection services

•       A woman should not come near sacred objects during menstruation

Social Structure      •       Respect for female and male elders

•       Medicine Man or Woman will probably not have identification defining member

•       Include elder, medicine person, or spiritual leader as colleague to assist in healing process

Symbols •      A great variety of symbols which vary from one tribe to another
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Native American Culture

Preferred Term: Tribal Name

Cultural and Family Structure

Demographics • 1.37% of the total US population
Symbols • Feathers, depicted in many, many ways, are symbols of prayers, marks of honor or sources of ideas
Clothing or Amulets •      Do not casually move, examine, or admire medicine bag

•      If removal required, allow patient or family to handle it, keep it close to person and replace as soon as possible.

Language • American-English, French, Spanish, Native American Languages
Communication •      Do not interrupt speaker

•      Long pauses are part of conversation

•      Tone expresses urgency; when imperative command required, be direct, emphatic, clear, and calm

•      In making request, explain why it is needed; be personable and polite

•      Loudness associated with aggression

Decision­-making •      Autonomy highly valued; do not assume spouse would make important decision

•      Includes responsibility to community, family and tribe

Family structure •      May be either matriarchal or patriarchal

•      Elders respected

•      Children not encouraged to find help outside family

Food practices/ beliefs •      Hospitality and respect may lead patient to sharing hospital food with visiting family and friends as well as consume food brought by visitors

•      Nutritional guidance should respect religious choices and incorporate them; May believe that when food is blessed it is no fonger harmful

Greetings • Light touch handshake
Nonverbal •      Respect communicated by avoiding eye contact

•      Keep respectful distance

Spokesperson •      Generally, individuals speak for themselves, family members may speak on behalf of person who is ill

•      Give information and let family know providers need to know family’s wishes for care/treatment; let spokesperson emerge from family

•      Spokesperson may not be decision maker

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Code of Doctrine

1. We believe that there is but one race of man. The human race, who is related to all other living things.

2. We believe that all human beings should strive for universal peace, avoiding man’s inhumanity to man.

3. We believe in the sanctity of the family unit and that all must strive toward the survival of the family.

4. We believe in the force of Universal Love and that Love always seeks the welfare of others; therefore, we never seek to hurt or destroy.

5. We believe in the never-ending search for Truth.

6. We believe that Creator’s greatest gift is free-will and that this gift brings with it the greatest responsibility humanity must bear, as such, we acknowledge that each of us are accountable for our choices, our actions, and the effects that those choices and actions have on others.

7. We believe in the sanctity of life and in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual and uphold as Truth that all people have an equal claim to life, liberty, and justice.


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Statements of Faith

The members of International Aboriginal Ministries, affirm our faith that:

1. There is but one “Creator.” – We believe in one universal spirit, divine and important; of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; maker of all things.  Although our Creator is called by many names by peoples of various creeds, faiths and spiritual traditions in truth, all Gods are but reflections of the one Great Mystery, our Creator.

2. God is everywhere. – We believe God, the Creator, dwells everywhere, within and without, above and below?.  As such, we are bound to respect all creation, for in that manner we do honor not only to our Creator, but also to ourselves.

3. God is the Universal Divine Source. – We believe that, although the specific cultural and spiritual traditions of each tribe arc unique, all focus on celebrating and honoring the Sacred Circle of Life.  Due to the universal focus of these traditions, we believe they all emanate from a single Divine source, the Creator, and as such transcend any and all artificial borders, boundaries, or institutions devised by man.

4. Ours is a Living Faith. – We acknowledge that believing in our statement of faith is but one part of our duty to our Creator and ourselves; and that our duty includes living our statement of faith, setting an example for others to follow, reaching out with our hearts and hands to lift our brothers and sisters into the sacred circle: ultimately leaving this world a better place for ourselves and our posterity.

From: Elder’s Meditation of the Day – October 16:

“Many religions have been brought to this land.  And the way my religion is.  They teach me.  And they taught me and told me to respect all religions.  And I still do that.”Horace Axtell. NEZ PERCE

“The Creator put on this Earth many different religions which represent different roads to walk to God. All religions are right and good if the path is the path to God. Should we be judging which road is better or worse than the other? When we accept each other’s way we can stand in a circle, hold hands and listen to each other as we pray to God. Let us be more accepting of the religions of others.”

“Great Spirit – God. Grandfather, Grandmother. Lord – let me know peace.”

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